Calls and text messages

How to block calls and text messages with iOS 7 (iPhones and iPads)

Contacts and numbers on your iOS 7 block list will be prevented from contacting you with phone calls, iMessages, SMS text messages or FaceTime.

To add a contact to the block list in iOS 7 :

Navigate to Settings -> Phone (or Messages, or FaceTime) -> Blocked
. Touch Add New. Select the contact you wish to block from the list

To block a phone number that recently called your iPhone:

Navigate to Phone -> Recents
. Touch the blue information circle (i) next to the phone number
. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Block this Caller
. Touch Block Contact

To block a phone number that recently messaged your iPhone:

Navigate to Messages
. Select the message from the number you wish to block
. Touch Contact in the upper right corner
. Touch the blue information circle (i) next to the phone number
. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Block this Caller. Touch Block Contact.

To block a phone number that recently sent a FaceTime request to your iPhone:

Navigate to FaceTime -> Recents
. Touch the blue information circle (i) next to the phone number
. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap Block this Caller
. Touch Block Contact.


How to block calls and text on an Android phone or tablet 

Built-in call blocking feature on all Android devices.

1. Click your PHONE button to make a call

2. Click the MENU button


4. Press Menu to add callers to list

5. The  numbers you add will not be able to call or text you.

Thanks to iPhone FAQ  and John A who founded the DroidLessons website for the information.                                        #AntiTrollHub

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