Comments & Privacy Policy

Welcome to the AntiTroll Hub online sites.

Our online content focuses on Trolls and Cyberbullying.  We provide information and links on how to block trolls and deal with cyberbullying, as well as providing material that can be shared to encourage others to ‘Be Kind online’ and have zero tolerance to inappropriate behaviour.

We are committed to making our website and social media platforms safer spaces.  This means that while we encourage debate and discussion, we will not tolerate irrelevant, disrespectful, offensive, crude and hateful material.

We retain the right to decide which comments will be approved and also to remove or edit comments that we feel are hurtful, unhelpful or otherwise not consistent with the values of our online sites.

Comments will not be published if:

  • your comment is off topic
  • your comment doesn’t add to the conversation
  • you attack other commenters
  • your comment is considered by AntiTroll Hub moderators to be inappropriate


Please also keep in mind that we do not have the ability to monitor comments continuously or reply individually by anyone with professional expertise in dealing with personal, relationship or legal issues (such as a psychologist, counsellor or lawyer).

For yours and others safety, we don’t post comments that share urgent, identifying or distressing information, share users full names or contact details.


Whether you are a victim of trolling or cyberbullying, or just looking for more information, if you need help or would like to talk to someone about a personal experience please contact the following specialised agencies:


Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

BeyondBlue  1300 22 46 36

LifeLine  13 11 14

Download the Cybersafety Help Button it provides 24 hour easy access to practical advice, support and information or visit


If you require immediate assistance, are concerned for your safety or that of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance.


If you see something that does not coincide with our comments/privacy policy, please email
Adapted with approval from original, from  Gippsland Women’s Health Service and  Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

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